SaaS, DaaS . . . What?

SaaS and DaaS – you’ve probably heard of them before, but what do they mean? It’s simply really –  they stand for Software-As-A-Service and Desktop-As-A-Service. What’s even more interesting is that you’ve probably used one or the other and haven’t even realized it. How does it affect you as a business owner and how can you use it to your advantage?


So what is this SaaS stuff anyway? Well, the Internet defines it as a software delivery model in which software and associated data are centrally hosted on the cloud. Okay, that’s kinda nebulous. How can we apply that to you?

Simple. Ever use GMail or Google Apps? Office 365? These are all considered Software-As-A-Service. They provide to you a type of functionality that would normally be provided in-house on your own infrastructure, but hosted on the cloud on their infrastructure, usually for a per-person fee.


Now, to DaaS. Think of DaaS as an extension of the SaaS concept, only deeper. Essentially, instead of a single function being hosted in the cloud – ALL functions are hosted in the cloud. Your entire desktop experience, from programs, to files, to – you name it – is provided as a virtual desktop, accessible from anywhere. The computer as a device becomes irrelevant. Break a PC? Someone spill coffee all over their laptop? No problem, none of your data is there. Its on your hosted virtual machine in a data center, safe from hardware failure, viruses, etc. Just grab another computer, log in and keep going.

Expensive? Doesn’t have to be…

Sounds like something only the big boys can use, huh? Nope, not at all. ECR as been designing and implementing affordable SaaS and DaaS type services for it’s clients for several years now. Imagine being able to have multiple branch offices run your custom accounting and process management software without an expensive server and network connection at each branch. It’s possible, and affordable. Imagine being able to have anywhere access to the infrastructure, software and data you want with no restrictions on what computer the user uses. We can do that. We have done that.

Curious to learn more? Contact us today and let us show you the magic that can be had with these amazing concepts.


Joe is the Director of IT Sales and Service for ECR Computers and has worked with ECR since 1999 • Joe loves making solutions for clients utilizing technology in a cost effective way • He is a big fan of technology, science, Star Trek, and other geek things • You can contact Joe by phone at 740-399-3522 or by email at

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